Donate to the Lorain Lighthouse Foundation

The Lorain Lighthouse Foundation, Inc., an IRC section 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit, charitable foundation, was created in 1989 and incorporated on December 26, 1989 under the laws of the State of Ohio and commenced operations on January 1, 1990, to spearhead the preservation of the Lorain Lighthouse. It was also established to maintain the history and integrity of Lorain’s Waterfront. 
There are now more ways to donate to the LORAIN LIGHTHOUSE FOUNDATION
  1. Send a check directly to the Lorain Lighthouse foundation at: 319 Black River Lane – Lorain, OH 44052
  2. Via PayPal – go to the website under Support the Lighthouse – Donate
  3. Via GoFundMe using this link – GoFundMe
  4. Through United Way of Greater Lorain County – Designate the Lorain Lighthouse Foundation as the recipient.